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Company profile

profilo-azienda-trecFounded in 1963, TRE “C” manufactures immersion electric heaters destined to primary national and foreign industries in the metallurgic, thermodynamic, oleodynamic, pharmaceutical chemistry, food, cardboard, flexographic, textile sectors, for washing systems, packaging, and in the industrial heating sectors.

The technical design knowledge, the thermal engineering dimensioning support, the valuable materials adoption, characterize its activity within a CSQ certified quality system (UNI EN ISO 9001:2015).

Equipped with automated and numeric control systems, Tre “C” manufactures large industrial components and large quantities for standard production.

Half a century of Experience, Technological Innovation, Research and Development, Constant and Continuous products Quality offered, have always been the fundamental characteristics to be able to significantly expand the products range actually offered by us, in a position to fully cover our Customers electric heating components and accessories requirements.

Our products range is currently articulated in the following electric heaters categories, for different industrial applications, among them: